Professional Women Working

What is CSI?

What is CSI?

Certified Subject Matter Expert Instructor Program is a Canon Virginia initiative to provide more Canon specific training featuring instruction from CVI Subject Matter Experts. CVI members who are accepted into our program and pass the certification requirements will receive compensation to teach courses for Canon Virginia.

CSI Benefits

CSI Benefits

Get great compensation for your time and expertise!

Don't worry, we know it may be a lot of work, but it is worth it! Not only do you get paid to go through the program, you can earn up to $50 per instructional hour!

Be a part of achieving organizational goals!

We want to reduce our dependence on external vendors, provide CVI specific skill and knowledge, and develop a highly skilled and technical workforce! With your help, we can achieve these goals!

Be part of a growing and supportive community!

Our program will provide you with great mentorship and connected you with a community of members who can support you!

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Five-Star Rating Illustration
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The CSI program not only gives back to CVI but also gives back to you, in various ways: personal growth, greater confidence in your skills, discovery of your hidden gifts and gratitude towards your colleagues. If you want to diversify your environment and to connect with others around you who share the same interest in skills as you then CSI program is a great start.

Sahba Abolfazli

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I’ve been a CSI member for a year now and taught a few classes. Not only do I appreciate the extra cash, but the program also makes me feel like a true expert. I get to pass on my knowledge to others and learn a few things myself in the process. I highly recommend.

Gareth Johnson

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To be admitted into the program, you must be a subject matter expert in the topics you wish to teach, and you must complete the CSI Application Form.

Once we release the application to the CVI public, fill out the Applicant Information, Target Courses, Experience, Questionnaire sections. You must also sign to agree to our expectations, attach a Letter of Recommendation, and attach a signed and approved Management Approval Commitment Letter. Please send your application package to Alana Ottaway for processing.

Our staff will review your qualifications and determine if you have the requirements to move forward in the process!

Target Courses

Target Courses

We want to build a cohort that will provide instruction in the following training topics:

  • Professional Development
  • Business Development
  • Business Applications
  • Technical Training (PLC, Denso Robotics, etc.)
  • Quality (Quality Management)
  • Engineering
  • CVI Finance and Budgeting
  • Soft Skills

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Program Layout

Program Layout

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CSI Orientation

Once you apply and are selected to the program, we will invite you to our CSI Orientation. This will be virtual and will allow us to walk through the program requirements together so we can answer any questions!

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Throughout the certification process, you will meet with your mentor to discuss your progress. Your mentor will provide resources and tools to prepare you for your first solo teaching experience. This requirement will now be optional but highly encouraged!


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Train the Trainer

Next, you must complete a Train the Trainer Course. This course will now be hybrid! This course will now be 2 half day of trainings and the rest of the material will be self-paced for you to complete on your own!

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Class Observation

The first step to becoming an effective instructor is to learn from others. In this step, you will be asked to sit in on one qualified class at CVI. You will be asked to observe specific aspects which can be discussed later in the program.

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Once you complete all certification requirements, you will graduate and become an Official Certified Subject Matter Expert Instructor for CVI!


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Teach Back Assessment

We took out the final written exam and will now be asking for you to use what you have learned and create a 30-minuite teach-back. During the Train the Trainer we will provide more details on the requirements!

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We developed this program to be self-paced. We understand you may have other projects and deadlines to meet.

With this in mind, our program usually takes about 5 months to complete.



Once you complete your class offering, we will compensate you for your time or knowledge, using the following pay scale:


Certification Completion



Instructional Cost

$50 / Hour

Preparation Cost

$25 / Hour


85% Show Rate


Positive Post Evaluations


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Certified Instructor

Course Facilitation - 2 Hour Course

Prep Time Compensation

Bonus: 85% Show Rate

Bonus: 85% Rating on Post Survey Evaluation

One-time Certification Cost








Tentative Program Dates

Tentative Program Dates

*The proposed program dates are tentative and are subject to change!*




CSI Orientation

2PM - 3PM | Virtual




12PM - 4PM | In-Person | Lunch Provided




12PM - 4PM | In-Person | Lunch Provided

Train the Trainer (Part 1)

Train the Trainer (Part 2)




Teach Back Day

8AM - 12PM | In-Person




Observing Classes Completed




Graduation Ceremony

2PM - 3PM | In-Person

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  • With approval of your manager or supervisor- you are to conduct training as business needs permit.

  • Provide knowledge feedback and serve as a subject matter point of contact for your training audience.

  • You must be willing to answer questions in and outside of the classroom, in a timely manner.

  • You must remain current on your course materials, subject matter, and training tactics.

Our certification program is intensive because we depend on CSIs to develop a skilled workforce.

Contact Us

Contact Us

Email Letter

Pamela Nuby

Valerie Estep

Alana Ottaway

Maurice Kinsey

Kevin Pace

Please contact Member Development if you need more information about our program.

Click on our picture to send us a personal email or the email icon to email Member Development!

Are you


Please Apply!

Click the link below to download our Application Packet!

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I am interested in CSI, but I have a few concerns.

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I am worried about how much time this will take, I have a pretty busy schedule.

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No worries! Thank you for contacting us! I will be glad to address your concerns!

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We want you to feel comfortable applying to our program!

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Do you have any questions, concerns, or Roadblocks that may prevent you from applying? Are you a manager or above and unsure of the commitment and time this program could take?

Let us know!

